Monday, November 8, 2010

Highly Annoying People

Just some more school-related venting. Here’s a list of the annoying kids who make my school day a bit more nerve-wracking:

1. Slow Walking People. OK, seriously? We have SIX MINUTES to get to freaking class, and these people want to lolligag? No. Pick up the pace a little bit, people. I have to get all the way downstairs and then back up, and you're in front of me with your pants below your knees, pretending that you have swagger. Suburban white kid, could you not do that in the middle of the hallway, please?

2. People who feel the need to say (insert cuss word here) between EVERYTHING they say. It is fine, to an extent, to say these words. You're a human being. But when you go around and are like, "Oh My #^$%$^ ? God man!!! Did you see that#@%@#% go to the @#$#@$#@$ street @#$#@$ giraffe!!! It was so @#$@#$@# off the $!@$!@#.!!!" It gets to the point where I can't even understand what you're saying. I understand every other word, so the sentence ends up sounding like "Oh my God man!! Did you see that go to the giraffe!! It was so!!!!" Did I see a giraffe do what?

3. Goody Two-Shoes, Teacher's Pet, etc. You know you've seen them. They lurk around in an unassuming way, then *BOOM,* like a time bomb, they go off with their never-ending supply of niceness: "Oh, let me pick that up for you," "Could you help me pick out a book for this book report? I just respect your opinion SO much," "That is SO funny!" You get the idea. It's good to be nice to teachers, but there IS a boundary between friendly and down-right creepy and, well, annoying.

4. Skinny girls who go to the bathroom just to check themselves out, and then say, "Oh my God, I'm ssooooooooooo fat. I knew I only should have had one rice cracker for breakfast!" Then they proceed to dump a truckload of makeup on their face, which always seems to find a spot on your clothes. These girls don't need to be wasting precious school bathroom passes on things like this. Some of us, you know, ACTUALLY have to go to the bathroom. Shocking, I know.

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